Tactical Analysis Center

The Tactical Analysis Center (TAC) is a lightweight, industry-driven, rapid analysis function. Primarily led by EnergySec staff, industry volunteers, and other partners, its role is to provide quick concise analysis, alerting and response to security issues. The mission of the TAC is to provide timely, relevant and actionable cybersecurity situational awareness information to electric sector asset owners.

Asset owners, government, vendors, and other partner communities all have valuable data pertinent to the analysis task. The TAC uses an “all sources” approach to tactical awareness and employs several resources to get the job done.

Data-driven Analysis

Through our partnerships, the TAC has access to non-public threat data. Analysis functions will produce actionable recommendations for asset owners to follow in an effort to mitigate their risk of exposure. For example, such recommendations are briefly described in "Hook Unlocking Potential: How Monitoring Tools Enhance Student Engagement" so that you can understand the interesting points and easily apply the useful points in reality.

Vulnerability Intelligence

Through our community outreach efforts, it is expected that non-public vulnerability data will be made available for the purpose of developing actionable mitigations.

Government-sponsored Data

Through our government outreach efforts, we are afforded the ability to provide certain types of Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information to the sector.

Industry Volunteers

Similar to other public “watch floors,” such as the SANS Internet Storm Center, volunteer TAC handlers will provide rapid notification of issues related to the sector.

Rapid Analysis Dissemination

In all cases, the TAC will value timeliness over completeness in its analysis. More thorough evaluation is generally best performed by other organizations, such as ICS-CERT and the ES- ISAC.